Judaica - Holocaust - Set of 9 relic condition ground dug Jewish Hannukah dreidels found in KL Gross Rosen area! $180.00 0
Ghetto Warsaw - Amazing artifact: a wooden truncheon used by Jewish Ordnungsdienst or Jewish ghetto police in Warsaw ghetto!!! $7,600.00 0
Litzmannstadt - Ultra rare German ebonite sign in Polish language to warn Polish citizens from entering the Litzmannstadt ghetto perimeter! $1,450.00 0
Holocaust - Genuine passport of the III Reich period issued to a Jewish man Max Israel Israel ! With red "J" stamped! $820.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Warsaw - picture has been taken in ghetto Warsaw . around 1941. $110.00 0
Postcard sent from Prague to a prisoner in KL Theresiendstadt in 1944 regarding the confirmation of a parcel shipment $100.00 0
Very interesting and rare letter from Landkreis Reichenberg sent to all the majors of the region regarding the obligation to register all the Jews that lived there $180.00 0
Very nice Legion Condor version of the Black wounded badge used during Spanish Civil war. 2nd type. Made from spear $150.00 0
Ghetto Krakau - Rare and private made original period photo of the main gate to the Jewish ghetto in Krakow $110.00 0
Private made photo of the tombstones of the Jewish cemetery in Skierniewice (Voivodship of Lodz) $85.00 0
Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Banknote of 20 RM used within the famous Jewish ghetto of Litzmannstadt $180.00 0
Jewish - Impressive photo in Polen of Wehrmacht soldiers denigrating a Jew while carrying a carriage $100.00 0
Holocaust - Ghetto - Ultra rare suitcase that belonged to a deported Jew from ghetto Litzmannstadt !!! Museum piece! $2,800.00 0
Ghetto - Holocaust - Jewish - Paper set that belonged to Klara Rosenberg, a Jewish woman who died in KL Theresienstadt $180.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Sosnowitz - Very rare personal tram access ticket for a month to a Jewish men from ghetto Sosnowitz - 1942 $280.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Sosnowitz - Very rare personal tram access ticket for a month to a Jewish men from ghetto Sosnowitz - 1941 $280.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Very rare postcard sent from Ghetto Theresienstadt to Ghetto Litzmannstadt about transfer money ! $350.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Ghetto Warsaw - Very rare postcard sent from Ghetto Warsaw to Paris 1942 ! $500.00 0
Holocaust - Jude - Rare photo still in album-page removed from photo album depicting a Jew used as slave labor with text insulting him $100.00 0
Rare album photo sheet piece with 2 photos of Jews working in the construction of the mine roadway from Dubno to Rowno $140.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of an orthodox Jew in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $50.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 2 old orthodox Jews from ghetto Sandomierz in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! Dated 1940 $70.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 4 Polish Jews in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $120.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of an old Jew in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of an old Jew in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 2 old orthodox Jews in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 2 old orthodox Jews in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 6 Jews in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of an orthodox Jew in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of an orthodox Jew and a woman in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $100.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 2 old orthodox Jews from ghetto Nowy Sacz in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $120.00 0
Ghettos - Original period photo of 2 Jews in an unknown ghetto in Poland published in the book "A glimpse of Evil"! $50.00 0
Very rare money order sent to a Jew from Köln by the Jewish Council of Litzmannstadt Ghetto in 1944 $160.00 0
Judaic - Vintage rare Judaica Passover seder small white Glass with David star find in Litzmannstadt ! $180.00 0
Judaica - Holocaust - Set of 8 relic condition ground dug Jewish Hannukah dreidels found in KL Gross Rosen area! $180.00 0
Anti-Semitic propaganda - Super rare original still from the Notorious Film Der Ewige Jude / The Eternal Jew $380.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - JOOD version of the Jewish star of David. Dutch variation VERY RARE!!! $930.00 0
Holocaust - Judaica - Jude - Very old rationing card for food used in the Jewish ghetto in Litzmannstadt $150.00 0
Holocaust - Jewish - Jude - Juif - Utra rare French version of the Jew star of David with provenance information! $1,450.00 0