Ghetto Warsaw - Very rare period photo taken in the Ghetto of Warsaw in the early 40's shwoing some Jews wearing armbands $160.00 0
List of 30 names theatre artists of the cultural scene in Belgium that were considered Jews or Mischlinge (Half-Jews) issued by Propaganda department in Belgium - 1941 $480.00 0
Anti Semitic - 2 different membership cards of the "Belgian Jews' Association" in the early 40's $380.00 0
Ghetto Litzmannstadt - A very sad document issued by a doctor in the Litzmannstadt ghetto 1941 $100.00 0
Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Banknote of 20 RM used within the famous Jewish ghetto of Litzmannstadt $220.00 0
Anti-Semitic leaflet published by NSBO Nazi workers' organisation pointing at a Jewish company and accusing it of anti German and enemy of the country $140.00 0
Anti Semitic - 7 pages' dossier with the full explanation of all the articles that comprise the anti-Jewish ordinance of 28 October 1940. In French and Dutch $290.00 0
Official notice from the communal administration in Charleroi about the prohibition of Jews attending non-jewish schools - 1942 $180.00 0
Ultra rare forged British banknote of the famous KL Sachsenhausen "Operation Bernhard" to collapse British economy! $390.00 0
Ultra rare forged British banknote of the famous KL Sachsenhausen "Operation Bernhard" to collapse British economy! 5 pounds $360.00 0
Interesting official document about the exclusion of the Jews from the amusement industry in Belgium by the propaganda department in that country - 1941 $220.00 0
Rare set of 3 rationing cards for Jews issued in Austria for to a Jewish woman from Vienna - 1939/1940 $380.00 0
Rare mediacal research documents' and photo set to a French man to find out if he was Jewish or not in order to join the army - 1943 $560.00 0
Rare mediacal research documents' and photo set to a French man to find out if he was Jewish or not in order to join the army - 1941 $520.00 0
Ultra rare book "Der Giftpilz" (The Poisonous Mushroom), one of the most anti-Semitic books ever published aimed to children! $1,950.00 0
Rare booklet "The Story of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Meaning nad Message" published to commemorate the 10th anniversary in 1953. English. $85.00 0
The anti-Semitic book by Henry Ford translated to German "Der internationale Jude" with hard cover. $190.00 0
Der Sturmer - Rare anti Semitic 3 Reich poster "When Jews laugh" publishing by the Sturmer publishig house ! $820.00 0
Anti-Semitic, anti-Bolshevik and anti-Freemasonry propaganda leaflet to join the French righ-winged movement "French League" that supported Nazism $380.00 0
Ghetto Uniejow - Very touching correspondence write Jewish boy and sent to his unkel and aunt in USA 1940 $230.00 0
Ghetto Uniejow - Very touching correspondence write Jewish boy and sent to his unkel in USA 1940 $230.00 0
Anti Semitic - Nice empty envelope with two different type ink stamps of infamous anti-Semitic "Der ewige Jude" exhibition in Vien - 1938 sent like money registration . $100.00 0
Ghetto - Holocaust - A very interesting internal document from the Litzmannstadt ghetto ordering 70 wrapped armbands by Judenrat Litzmannstadt 1944 !!! $140.00 0
Nazi propaganda leaflet with provocative messages such as "Jews and Czech are welcome" or "Germans are not welcome in Austria" $160.00 0
Anti- Semitic - Ultra rare one of the rarest anti Jewish Nazi books for children published by Julius Streicher’s Stürmer Publishing House $2,300.00 0
Rare anti-Semitic and anti-Bolshevik postcard of the famous poster "Bolschewismus ohne Maske" echibition - 1939 $70.00 0
Unused application form to be a member of the "Deutschvoelkischen Schutz- und Trutz-Bund", the largest and most influential anti-Semitic federation in Germany after WW1 $80.00 0
Holocaust - Very rare Ausweis issued to a Czech Jew by the Jewish Council of Prague to use public transport from home to work during weekends - 1945 $390.00 0
Rare propaganda leaflet with a text written by the British fascist and anti-communist and anti-Semitic John Amery $130.00 0
Rare anti-semitic and anti-British Dutch propaganda poster published in the Nederlands to indoctrinate the population $280.00 0
Anti Semitic - Centenary commemorative leaflet of the French anti-Semite Edouard Drumont, founder of the Antisemitic League of France - 1944 $120.00 0
Impressive and ultra rare set of used condition JUDE star of David for German and Czech Jews and immediate post war ID card from Society of Jewish Inwalids to the owner of the star! $1,400.00 0
Judaica - Rare set of 2 passports to a German Jew Journalist who emmigrated to Palestine in 1938 $480.00 0
Very interesting and rare passport issued to a Jew from Vienna that died in KL Buchenwald after being arrested in the Kristallnacht (Night of broken glass) - victim of the Holocaust! $880.00 0
Judaica - Very rare Polish passport issued in 1935 to a Polish Jew from Lviv that emmigrated to Palestine! $340.00 0
Ghetto Warsaw - Very nice and inedit private taken photo of one of the access gates of the Jewish Ghetto in Warsaw ! $140.00 0
Ghetto Warsaw - Private taken photo inside the Jewish Ghetto in Warsaw with Poles crossing a main street ! $180.00 0
Jewish postcard sent from Gailingen to Switzerland by a Jewish girl (she has the second name Sara added) 1940 $120.00 0
Ghetto - Holocaust - Ghetto Bendsburg o/.S ( now Będzin ) - Very rare letter sent like register letter from the Bendsburg ghetto to Switzerland 1943 $290.00 0
KL Sachsenhausen - Very rare postcard sent by Jewish inmate from KL Sachsenhausen two weeks after "Crystal Night" 1938 $890.00 0
Anti-Semitic Greeting postcard sent with postal ink stamp of "Der Ewige Jude" exhibition advertisement in Vienna 1938 $40.00 0
Anti Semitic - French language anti-Semitic book "Les Juifs aussi sont des hommes!" (Jews are men too!) by Jef van de Wiele $320.00 0
Rare period anti-semitic and anti-christian booklet "Christentum doch Judentum" by Rudolf Hammer $130.00 0
Rare and interesting special anti-Semitic issue of the publication "Schulingsdients der Hitler-Jugend" dedicated to the Jews in Great Britain - 1940 $180.00 0
Anti Semitic - Very interesting french anti-semitic newspaper "Je Suis Partout"- "I'm everywhere" : special issue 1938 $180.00 0
Holocaust - Super rare leaflet issued in France in the village of Champigny-Sur-Marne for all the Jews telling them to go be issued an identity card - 1940 $480.00 0
Ghetto Litzmannstadt - Certificate issued to a Jew in Lizmannstadt Ghetto by Ghetto Jewish Council certifying he was employed as watchman and with permission of going outta home - 1942 $120.00 0